Flower Embroidery


27 Rose Embroidery Patterns & Designs

Inside: Rose embroidery patterns with printable PDF’s that will make you swoon.  Roses are such a classic flower. We see them basically every time we go enter a grocery store…especially around Valentine’s Day. They are unmatched with their beautiful shape and thorny stems. The rose bulb itself has this amazing spiral quality that makes them […] Read more…

Lilac Embroidery

27 Lilac Embroidery Flower Design Ideas

Inside: Pretty Lilac Embroidery Design Ideas To Make Today. If there is one theme in embroidery that never goes out of style, it’s flowers. Flowers are the constant light throughout all of the changes that happen over the years. No matter what new stitch is created, they will at some point be used to craft […] Read more…

17 Hydrangea Embroidery Designs & Patterns

Inside: Best Hydrangea Embroidery Design and Pattern Ideas. Flowers are one of the most popular thing for people to put in their embroidery, which is totally understandable. I mean, flowers are perhaps one of the first things in nature we appreciate for their beauty. They add color and depth into our world, and are loved […] Read more…

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