Month: April 2022

43 Goldwork Embroidery Tips & Ideas

When it comes to embroidery, there are so many different methods and styles to choose from, its amazing! There really is no limit on what you can achieve with it. What something with more texture? Try Brazilian Embroidery. Something more uniform and flat more your speed? How about a good o’l cross stitch then! Because […] Read more…

27+ Anime Embroidery Designs & Patterns

One of my favorite elements of embroidery is the unlimited amount of subjects that can be used for designs. It can truly be an expression of you, seeing as you can choose to create embroidery of the things in your life that bring you joy. Such as flowers, butterflies, anime…oh what’s that? You didn’t know […] Read more…

23 Lovely Lavender Embroidery Pattern Ideas

Florals are making a comeback with these lavender embroidery pattern ideas! But, in all honesty, did they ever go away?! What better way to get in the mood for warmer weather (or remind yourself of it on a cold winter’s night) than creating a lovely lavender embroidery design?  Spring has sprung…on your embroidery hoop! Lavender […] Read more…

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